Tag Archives: the Telegraph

Cath Kidston: not the domestic goddess you think she is?

Apparently not.

““I am not a domestic goddess. I’m always riveted to know who these domestic goddesses really are. Where are they all?”, she told the Telegraph’s fashion editor Lisa Armstrong at Hay festival. (via the Telegraph)

I reckon this is an EXCELLENT opportunity to post this picture: Cath Kidston inspired nails (via Victoria’s Vintage)

Cath Kidston nails

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Filed under Craft + beauty, Craft + business and making money, Craft in the Telegraph, Oooh

Donna Air, the Middletons and the case of the missing knitting.

“Donna Air, who has been linked to James Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger brother, always told Mandrake that she wasn’t ready for knitting and slippers,” says the Telegraph.

Oh Donna. Don’t you know you can shag the hell out of a Middleton and STILL dabble in a bit of knit one, purl one?


Filed under Craft in the Telegraph, Craft that is topical, Crafty slebs, Knitting

Amaze Olympknit shizzle.

Olympic knitters

Because, y’know, OlymPICS rhymes with OlymKNITS.(I only know this because of the book of the same name, published by David and Charles)

(via The Telegraph).


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Filed under Craft + guerrilla, Craft + Olympics, Craft in the Telegraph, Guerrilla knitting